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Free initial consultation - 15 minutes

Begin with a Free Consultation to discuss your needs and see which services will best fit.  If you are not sure where to begin, I can help you work out if this is the right place for you.


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique - developed by Dolores Cannon, this is usually a one-off session but you can do several times if desired..  It is the perfect technique for answering questions such as "What is my life purpose? Why did something happen to me? Why is someone in my life?  Why am I alone?  What are my life lessons?"  

It begins with a 2 hour discussion, followed immediately with a 2 hour hypnosis session.  In the hypnosis you will do past life regression, then allow the higher self to come forward and answer questions you have prepared beforehand about your life, purpose and other things that you may want to know.  Whilst this happens, the higher self is asked to bring in the white lights of healing to undertake any possible healing that is allowed to occur.   This must be a face to face session as the level of hypnosis can be quite deep..  Personally, this is my favourite and I think that every person would benefit from this experience. 



Therapy is the pathway to healing for most mental and chronic physical illness.  And I have some very effective modalities available.  If you need to talk about it, counselling can help, but when you are ready for change, Resource Therapy and Hypnotherapy are quick and effective.  In one hour we can have significant breakthroughs and release.


Hypnotherapy is particularly effective at bypassing the ego and going straight to the subconscious to resolve trauma and deeper issues.  It can release in one session what may take many hours of therapy to release, because your conscious brain is not blocking.  It can include past lives, generational trauma, pain relief, releasing blocked energies, relieving grief, overcoming procrastination, giving up habits and addictions, and alleviating depression and anxiety.  I am also trained in DeTrauma© Technique and Rewind Therapy for treating PTSD. 

And it is very relaxing!


Resource Therapy is powerful and quick.  In one hour you can deal with trauma, anxiety, depression, addictions, and many forms of self-sabotaging behaviours.  What are you ready to change?  You don't need to be hypnotised for this therapy and sessions may be one hour to two hours depending on complexity.  It is nice to finish off with a hypnotherapy if there is time  to rebalance and clear the energy.

​I will often combine the hypnotherapy and resource therapy in the same session to obtain better outcomes.



Counselling is great for talking through problems and exploring options.  Spiritual counselling looks at the big picture of what it means to be a soul having a human experience, understanding life lessons and new perspectives.  There are many things that can be covered in counselling, but you as the client determine what you want to discuss and what you want to learn about. 


Awakening - Humanity is going through a shift into a new paradigm.  Many people are awakening and realising they don't want to live in the old world anymore.  If you want help to understand the shift and move from the old paradigm (3D - the school of fear) to the new one (5D - the school of love), then a Counselling session is best.  We can also discuss life lessons, how the patterns of trauma in your life are opportunities for growth and healing, and the meaning of relationships.  The goal of life is learning self-love and setting boundaries, and we need to learn how to do this effectively.


Health Planning is traditionally done by medical profession, but it often is limited to a few modalities.  Real health is achieved by addressing the root cause, which is usually gut health/nutrition and stress/trauma.  By changing your  lifestyle and mindset, detoxing your physical, mental and spiritual bodies, and balancing your energy, you can facilitate your body to heal itself and become free of all illness.  This may reverse current disease, cancers and chronic poor health as well as reverse ageing and extend your life span.  You can do this by working with like minded health professionals and other modalities.  There is a lot of research to support this and you can charter your own pathway to health in this plan.  I will help you find the solutions that best fit your needs in a Counselling session.


The Awakening and Health Planning are also available as a group session in your organisation or community group.  Contact me to discuss details.


Therapy for Therapists

Spiritual perspective is fairly new to the world of Therapy.  Hypnotherapy is becoming more recognised as an effective way of healing trauma.  Resource Therapy is also very effective.  Every therapist has their own trauma and healing this makes them a better therapist.  When we have trauma, we can be triggered, but when healed, we can hold a much stronger and safer healing space for our clients.  Understanding the spiritual perspective can also open the therapist up to being able to do more subconscious work for the client, and having a stronger intuitive connection during a session.

In this session with therapists, we can focus on healing and/or demonstrating technique.  It expands mainstream therapy to a much wider world of healing and seeing the client as a soul having a human experience and going through life lessons.  When you move into the subconscious, you realise there is a lot more to healing than was previously thought.

It is also a great opportunity for therapists to experience hypnotherapy and resource therapy which they may want to learn for themselves and incorporate into their own practices. 


All sessions are private and confidential and client-centred, which means you are in charge of what happens.


  • Zoom sessions are available 7 days per week.  Check the booking calendar for availability or message me if you have cannot find a suitable time.  Don't forget to adjust for time zones, I am in Brisbane, Australia AEST. (GMT+10)

  • Counselling and Non-therapy sessions are also available by phone or video-call. 

  • Face 2 Face sessions are in Springfield Lakes, Brisbane, Queensland.



Some reasons to try Therapy

Grief, Loss and Depression

Losing someone we love is devastating and sometimes there is unfinished business that stops us from acceptance.  You can finish this business on the Sacred Bench in the subconscious.

Sadness is overwhelming.  A series of losses or disappointments can lead to depression.  This is not where you want to live your life.

Healing Trauma, Anxiety and Addictions

Inside you have inner childs that were created when you experienced trauma, harm, rejection or misunderstanding in your past.  From trauma we develop coping mechanisms that may not suit us now.  These can be healed with Hypnotherapy or Resource Therapy.

No-one should live with fear, trauma, anxiety or negative feelings.

Addictions resolve when we resolve the underlying trauma.


Clearing Blockages

Maybe it is procrastination, weight loss, mental confusion, memory issues, or other places where you keep getting stuck.  Therapy can help you find out why and overcome this.

It may be grief, depression, anxiety or chronic illness.

Blockages are mental, physical and spiritual.

Clearing energy and emotional blockages can resolve chronic illness, auto-immune disease and even cancer.


Find your Soul Purpose

Why are you here?  What will make you feel fulfilled?  You can call on your spirit team and higher self to help you get clarification during hypnotherapy.

Goals can also be explored.  Find out the blockages and the solutions to realise your dreams.


PTSD & Pain Relief

Body Psychotherapy and DeTrauma Technique© are very effective for PTSD and chronic Pain.  DeTrauma Technique© was specially developed by Kaz Anderson to alleviate the symptoms of PTSD in one session.

Body Psychotherapy and Desensitisation is used to dial down your pain or shut it off completely. 


Past Life Regression

Our trauma can sometimes be found in past life karma and during hypnotherapy you can go back into those past lives to heal this karma.  You can also collect the resources from past lives that will help you in this life.

Or it can just be fun to go back to have a look at past lives to understand your current life better.


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